Target Research conducts focus group discussions throughout Kyrgyzstan and most parts of Central Asia. Our services cover the full cycle, from co-developing the guide, editing the questions, screening participants and delivering final output in different formats as requested. We are keenly aware of the gap that often arises between the demands and expectations of the client and interpretation and execution by implementing partners. This is especially a case with donor-funded projects as well as academic research originating from universities in Europe or the USA that are implemented in the region. We host excellent local knowledge by (already not so) young generation of Central Asian scholars in Comparative Politics, Economics, Sociology, International Relations…
Survey of public opinion is not only the classic method of data collection, but a critical feedback tool between different societal actors. Target Research provides different types of opinion polling, with experience of the team honed in different parts of Central Asia. We are well aware of the traps and challenges related to conducting surveys in the region, and take extra attention to each phase of the research to ensure data collection meets and exceeds expectations of the client.
In-depth expert interview is one of the favorites at Target Research. Whether you are interested in understanding the intricacies of Central Asian history, current politics or regulations for small businesses, expert interviews provide wealth of data to work with. Target Research has a rich and diverse network of knowledgeable leaders in different areas of policy-making. Our interviewers as well as interpreters are trained as scientists, but also skilled in building constructive and trust-generating communication.
Desk research is a homework for any project. Target Research offers services of a desk research that may include web-searching, but easily extendable literature search and review. The key here is to ensure the client gets best possible advice on what has been done on the topic to this day by others. As the saying goes, no study should limit itself to “googling”, but any study should exhaust what Google (and its competitors) can find on the topic.